Monday, September 17, 2007

name change

The LGBT organization at the University of Michigan wants to change its name to something inclusive of allies, and this article claims that everybody thinks that is stupid.


"Another problem with the current title is the ambiguity of the word "transgender," he said.

The term is typically used to encompass people with a gender identity different from the male or female classification that society would conventionally designate to them. But many people tend to confuse it with the word "transsexual," a term for a person who wants to assume the physical characteristics and gender roles of a different sex."

Italics mine. Puke.

"Andrew Sullivan, a columnist for "The Atlantic" magazine, also criticized the office's efforts at inclusiveness.

'I was a gay advisor on campus and I know the pain and issues involved. I know they need to exist,' Sullivan said. 'But the p.c. crapola gets you down.'"


Also: Dan Savage, "who is gay [and therefore a good person to explain this stuff to normal folks like you and me]," thinks inclusiveness is stupid. Puke! Next.

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