Monday, September 17, 2007

the Cliks

Look, I really don't want to be bored of the Cliks- I want to super love them and be on the same team as them, but I just don't care. Swaggering rock & roll? Eh.

Dunno what the fuck this article is, though. It's like two sentences about Lucas's bein trans. Weird.

1 comment:

AJ said...

I am pretty sick of how every article about The Cliks has to play up the trans angle. Even their record lable is using that as their marketing angle. In one early article they had this quote about how tenuous it was to have a trans person in the spotlight and how they weren't sure if the public was ready. Bla bla bla bla bla. Just talk about the fuckin' music, which is great. Especially live.