Friday, August 31, 2007

Murray Hall


Just saw this on feministing- an article from AM New York (is that the free one?) about a New York councilman who... I guess the article says that he shouldn't be in trouble for raping someone, because okay. Follow this. Because, around the turn of the twentieth century, there was a trans guy named Murray Hall.

Three things.

One, a psychologist proposes that we 'just face it, that men never grow up,' and that's the deal with rape, in a nutshell. We should just face it.

Two, the article I guess is about the fact that there's a long history of New York politicians being patriarchally appalling: sexual harassment, rape... being trans. One doesn't fit. (Also: turns out Murray Hall was "really a woman," according to AM New York staff writer David Freedlander, who is in charge of Murray Hall's gender because I guess he does a better job at it than Murray Hall.)

Three, "it is worth noting that many of these claims are just allegations." But we're bringing them up and publishing them because... who knows.

I mean, it's just a poorly written, take-no-sides article that doesn't say anything, kind of sweeps allegations of oppression under the rug, and then also on the side has some creepy, unnecessary transphobia. Gross.

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