Wednesday, August 29, 2007


[link] (PDF document)

Lynn Conway reposts an article published five days ago (!) by the Massachussettes Globe and Mail. I wrote a long thing picking it apart, but ultimately deleted it. It was kind of pointless. It's almost like Margaret Wente had the checklist in front of her: get pronouns wrong, obsess about clothing and how being a trans woman is all about artifice, harp on how this destroyed a family, say "born into the wrong body." Refer to bottom surgery as the amputation of a penis. Dismiss transsexuality as the newest whim in an "ever expanding panoply of sexual minorities." (Margaret: tell me a couple more!) Disclaim for a second, then embrace the shit out of autogynephilia theory. Finally, in the second or third draft, dress the story up like you're being nice.

Fuckin gross. Oh! She also used the phrase "biological men who want to become women." Delightful!

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